Optimus GP (9381) Parts & Upgrades

 DHK Lower Suspension Arm (2 pcs)(CNC processed) for Optimus GP (9381)

 Optimus GP (9381)
Showing #123 of Optimus GP (9381) Parts

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Dispatches in 3 to 5 daysThis product usually dispatches in 3 to 5 days from our warehouse. Once this item is shipped the normal shipping time applies. Your order with other "In Stock And Ready To Ship" products will be shipped together in one shipment. You will be notified immediately in case of any delay. If the product is unavailable a refund will be returned to your original payment. Please allow for an extra day if your order is placed on the weekend.

USD $47.5
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This product currently has 2 reviews

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100%"Improves performance"

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2 USD $46.08 USD $2.85 ADD
3 USD $45.60 USD $5.70 ADD
6 USD $45.13 USD $14.25 ADD
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DHK   Optimus GP (9381) Parts & Upgrades
Lower Suspension Arm (2 pcs)(CNC processed) by DHK


Part: #DHK/P125 (2 customer reviews)
USD $47.5

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Dispatches in 3 to 5 daysThis product usually dispatches in 3 to 5 days from our warehouse. Once this item is shipped the normal shipping time applies. Your order with other "In Stock And Ready To Ship" products will be shipped together in one shipment. You will be notified immediately in case of any delay. If the product is unavailable a refund will be returned to your original payment. Please allow for an extra day if your order is placed on the weekend.

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  • Quantity Discount
  • Quantity Discount
    Units at this Price ATees' Low Price
    (Per Unit)
    You Save Click To Order
    2 USD $46.08 USD $2.85 ADD
    3 USD $45.60 USD $5.70 ADD
    6 USD $45.13 USD $14.25 ADD

    This product currently has 2 reviews

    Overall Rating:

    Customer Performance Survey:

    Customers surveying this product said...

    100%"Improves performance"

    Currently all feedbacks are left by AsiaTees customers.

    The DHK Optimus GP (9381) Lower Suspension Arm (2 pcs)(CNC processed) has an average rating of stars based on 2 customer reviews.

    • 153 people found this review helpful August 30, 2021
      Michael from Victoria, Australia

      Great upgrade. Got front and rear. Needed for the rear. Front for looks and added firmer ARRMA KRATON 6S BLX suspension, so also needed more strength. Hub screw holes are not threaded, need to buy 45mm screw with nut to fit hubs.

      FIT & FINISH
      Was this review helpful? Yes
    • 173 people found this review helpful July 27, 2021
      Michael from Victoria, Australia

      These are a great upgrade from the plastic arms which flex after a few runs. Also beefed up the suspension using ARRMA KRATON 6S BLX shocks which fit perfectly. Get a set of pins or two because your old ones are probably bent. Note that the shaft is not threaded for the hub screw. You'll need to bolt it on with a screw/bolt at least 45mm in length.

      FIT & FINISH
      Was this review helpful? Yes
    Outstanding Quality & High Performance
    Outstanding Quality & High Performance
    DHK is a leading High End RC VEHICLES Manufacturer in China. Their goal is to take these cars to a new level and keep you always charged with exciting driving experiences. Unlike other brands, DHK do have their own manufacturing facility which allows their to make the RIGHT products. DHK are expert in tool and die making and they are good at plastic injection. This enables you to enjoy the great driving experience. Shop at the largest online RC store today, all products available.

    Recent Customer Reviews - 2 Reviews Total  

    The DHK Optimus GP (9381) Lower Suspension Arm (2 pcs)(CNC processed) has an average rating of stars based on 2 customer reviews.

    • 153 people found this review helpful August 30, 2021
      Michael from Victoria, Australia

      Great upgrade. Got front and rear. Needed for the rear. Front for looks and added firmer ARRMA KRATON 6S BLX suspension, so also needed more strength. Hub screw holes are not threaded, need to buy 45mm screw with nut to fit hubs.

      FIT & FINISH
      Was this review helpful? Yes
      DHK Maximus GP (9382) Lower Suspension Arm (2 pcs)(CNC processed) by DHK
    • 173 people found this review helpful July 27, 2021
      Michael from Victoria, Australia

      These are a great upgrade from the plastic arms which flex after a few runs. Also beefed up the suspension using ARRMA KRATON 6S BLX shocks which fit perfectly. Get a set of pins or two because your old ones are probably bent. Note that the shaft is not threaded for the hub screw. You'll need to bolt it on with a screw/bolt at least 45mm in length.

      FIT & FINISH
      Was this review helpful? Yes
      DHK Maximus GP (9382) Lower Suspension Arm (2 pcs)(CNC processed) by DHK

    About DHK

    Outstanding Quality & High Performance
    Outstanding Quality & High Performance
    DHK is a leading High End RC VEHICLES Manufacturer in China. Their goal is to take these cars to a new level and keep you always charged with exciting driving experiences. Unlike other brands, DHK do have their own manufacturing facility which allows their to make the RIGHT products. DHK are expert in tool and die making and they are good at plastic injection. This enables you to enjoy the great driving experience. Shop at the largest online RC store today, all products available.

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