Builder of the Month: Timothy Von Dane (March 2024)
Welcome to the Builder of the Month! Can you tell us about yourself and how you got into the hobby?
Hello, I am Tim from AZ. I am a semi-retired painter. I have a couple more years in the workforce, and then I can enjoy all my hobbies full-time. I got started with my RC obsession from a friend who introduced me to the RC world. That was Father's Day of 2019. So big thank you to RC Junky. After the building of my first RC, I was hooked.
How did you discover Boom Racing?
After several builds, I was looking for more of a challenge and that is when I discovered Boom Racing and found Shawn Roche on Youtube with his BRX01.
Can you tell us about your Boom Racing vehicles?
I had ordered and built the BRX01. While out crawling at the Superstition Mountains, I met Shawn. I recognized him from the video and his floppy hat. He was testing his BRX02, and I stopped to talk with him about the truck. As soon as they were available, I ordered one and received #03. From there on, I purchased BRX01 Limited Edition #02. Then a BRX02 6x6; wow, what a 2022. I saw Shawn out again while testing the series of trucks. When I saw the 88, I had to have it. The wait was long but well worth it. In January of 2024, I received the BRX Series III 88.
Are there any future Boom Racing builds you are planning?
There are always plans for future builds. Excited to see what comes out this year. In the future, I might have to get my hands on a 109 to build. Do need it in my collection! Excited to see what comes out next!!
Where do you draw your inspiration from when you are building?
My inspiration comes from a lot of the veterans in the hobby. I see so much creativity and talent which inspires me to do my best on my builds.
What is the RC community like in the area you live?
The RC community out here in Arizona is booming. We have the weather and terrain to enjoy the hobby year-round.
What cars or upgrades do you hope to see Boom Racing make next?
I hope to see more classic builds for future Boom Racing builds, such as a 1950s Willys Pickup truck, Chevy pickup truck, or even Ford.
Do you have any tips or advice for others in the hobby?
My advise is to take your time. Follow instructions and let your imagination go.
Enjoy Being a BADASS I do!
Thank you for sharing your RC story with us! For listeners who want to learn more about Timothy, you can follow him on Instagram @timvondane.