Builder of the Month: Rui Pacheco (January 2025)
A huge #fistbump to you, Rui, and an even bigger thank you for sharing your amazing builds with our ever-expanding global Boom community. To get the wheels rolling in low range, please tell us a little about yourself, where you live (and run your rigs), and the catalyst that got you into this fantastic hobby.
Rui Pacheco:
Hello everyone. Thank you very much, Boom Racing, for choosing me as a builder of the month. I am very honored by your friendliness and kindness.
My name is Rui Pacheco. I'm 50 years old, I'm Portuguese, and I live with my wife and daughter in the south of Portugal, very close to the sea.
I am a senior architect, agricultural owner, and entrepreneur. From a very young age, I loved playing with small toy cars and constructing to recreate reality in electric train constructions. Later, while studying architecture at university, I saw that I really loved building models and dioramas and representing reality at various scales as faithfully as possible.
At the same time, I noticed that, in addition to electric trains, some RC cars on the market also had some detail and could be the basis for realistic constructions. That pleased me so much that I practically got addicted to this hobby a good few years ago (more than 30) and became an irretrievable collector.
I am also the administrator of a Facebook page dedicated to the world of RCs and Scales, the AlgarvemoutainRC group.
Do you remember that first-ever RC build? Why did you choose the make and model you did? What did that build teach you, and more importantly, if you could create the same rig again, what would you do differently?
Rui Pacheco:
I had my first RC cars when I was very young, maybe when I was 8 years old; they were a Nikko Turbo Panther and, my favorite, an off-roader with a rigid body, with a lot of details, a Mercedes Benz G300 from the Nico brand. This RC car, I can say, was responsible for me falling in love with RC cars in terms of scale. After that, in the beginning, I had a lot of RC cars, especially the Tamiya, for realism.
When did you first encounter the Boom Racing brand? What made it stand out from the rest of the scale sector?
Rui Pacheco:
My first RC car builds were Tamiya cars; they had a good image of realism and a few extras, so we could customize our builds.
Then came the Axial and the TRX4, which already had more technology, greater durability, more customization, and more focus on off-road, and I followed this wave. I bought some TRX4 and TRX6 and even a Vanquish, but I constantly had to adapt their Lexan bodies, something that bothered me a lot because I don't like Lexan at all. I also bought some RC4WD, which already has some realism and rigid bodysuits, good details, and some extras on the market. However, the mechanical part was fragile, the solutions were very limited, and the brand evolved little over the years. I also have some chassis from GCM, a Canadian brand with good scale equipment, but its supply is very limited.
At that time, I built some good rigid body scales on the TRX4 chassis, with axle adaptations, some Range Rover Classics, and some Discoverys. I'm a fan of the Land Rover and Range Rover brands, and I've had a few in my life. In 2020, I was invited to be part of the JSScale Team Drivers group, a brand that, however, ceased to exist but which focused only on the realism and detail of RCs.
At the same time, during my research on new chassis and body solutions, I discovered Boom Racing. This brand offered a degree of realism far above average, with very good solutions and equipment in several areas, such as mechanics, chassis, electronics, and bodywork—that is, a "complete" brand.
What Boom Racing vehicles have you built since discovering the brand, and what's your go-to rig you love to run the most?
Rui Pacheco:
I initially bought a BRX01 with the Toyota bodywork, and it was a totally satisfactory build from the start. The detail of how the parts were packaged, the preciousness of the assembly instructions, and the quality and finish of the parts were above average for the time. It still remains a reference in the world of RCs and Scales, with constant updates and a very good after-sales and customer support policy.
I currently have four Boom Racing cars. The first is a BRX01 with the Toyota LC70 body and a metal cargo box, a functional box with the floor and wood as in reality. It replicates a farmers' van with some animals and some agricultural utensils in its cargo box.
I also have three more BRX02s, all Land Rovers, because, as I mentioned, I am passionate and a true fan of the brand. A Series III 88 and a Series III 109 are already built, and the IIA 88 series is in the middle of construction.
I tried to make all of them look as realistic as possible, from the choice of painting to the choice of the conductor, etc...on the scale, we cannot forget that there are no "ghost cars"—hahaha—everyone should have a driver.
Kit builds can feel daunting at first but are by far the most rewarding once complete. What three things should everyone contemplating their first build consider and know?
Rui Pacheco:
Scale construction kits can be a bit daunting and seem too complicated for beginners or less experienced builders. That is why it is very important for brands to offer good detail in the assembly instructions. It is in the quality and detail of these assembly instructions that beginners really become fans of the builds of their scale kits and abandon the RTR.
When the construction kit is good, with good details and quality, when your construction guide is very detailed, the builder will feel quite accomplished at the end of the construction. They will think that they can "build everything" and will always want to get other construction kits. For me, it's an addiction! (hahaha)
For beginners, I advise you to look for and choose the brand and model of kit that will allow you to build well, with good materials and a good construction guide.
After choosing the kit and for whom you are going to start its construction, it is essential to be very calm and dedicate some time to it. It doesn't have to be a "non-stop" build. Nothing can be done well, nor is it satisfactory, when it is done in haste.
As a last piece of advice, I think a good set of tools and keys is essential. There is nothing like having reliable equipment to ensure your satisfaction in assembling your kit.
What's your favourite type of vehicle, however niche? More importantly, is it currently being made by anyone, or do you feel there's space in the Boom range for it in the future?
Rui Pacheco:
In the world of scales, I have a preference for off-road vehicles, especially for iconic vehicles such as the Land Rover Series and the LC70, which Boom Racing has been offering.
In my opinion, I wish there were other offers of iconic 4x4 vehicles on the market, such as the Volvo C303, the Mercedes Benz G or the Hunimog, some pick-ups and jeeps from American brands, the Nissan Patrol or pick-up, the Mitsubishi Pajero or pick-up, etc.
There are already a few of them on the market, but they don't have any details or acceptable quality. Projects must be created from scratch, just like Boom Racing did with the Land Rover Series, with an official license from the brand and with many details, updates and many moving parts (doors, hood, etc.).
Injection-moulded Hard Bodies offer more scale realism than vacuum-formed Lexan, but what tips can you provide on preparation, paint, or weathering that can elevate them to even more photorealistic heights?
Rui Pacheco:
For those who like realism, "Hard Bodies" are unbeatable, as they can have much more detail than Lexan bodies. It is very important to prepare and clean all parts very well and to check the various accessories before starting construction.
The choice of paint is very important, and so is your primer. Always check on a small piece the compatibility of the primer and the paint in the body material, as sometimes the different materials are not compatible and make chemical reactions that compromise the good final result.
Always choose to paint in a well-ventilated place that is not at a low temperature or with a high percentage of humidity.
I live in a hot region, with average temperatures always above 15 degrees, I don't have major problems with the paintings, but for those who live in very cold or very humid regions it is much more complicated.
Personal advice for those who are starting out in painting:
· Always wash all parts to be well painted with warm water and soft detergent,
· Let the garments dry thoroughly in a dust-free area,
· For those who use spray cans, place the cans in the sun or inside a container of warm water. This makes the can have a little more pressure, and the paint is more "even."
· If you can, heat the pieces a little to be painted, put them under the sun, or have the environment warm.
· Paint with several coats of paint, placing the spray can about 30 to 50cm away from the piece. Never try to paint for the first time. The ink is more uniform this way.
· Let it dry thoroughly between layers of paint.
· Finish with a stabilizing varnish, with or without gloss, according to personal taste and the purpose of the painting.
Driver figures complete a rig. No one likes to see an empty rig driving itself, but what's your favourite way to fill the driver's seat and possibly even add a navigator/pet riding shotgun?
Rui Pacheco:
Choosing the driver of your scale... Because no one likes to see a construction of a vehicle in scale, very detailed and detailed, being more of a "ghost vehicle" hahahaha.
When choosing the driver and the extras you can use in the cabin of your scale, it is good to take into account the scale of these objects and whether they follow the theme of the construction. There are some good dolls with good scale and detail to put on our buildings, which we can even change and customize, just like we do on our buildings. I have on all my scale mannequins, and on some also hanging, some pets or farm pets, as well as scale pieces inside and outside the body, to make the construction as realistic as possible.
Many end users fit the KUDU LED controller. Have you done so yourself, and what's your view on sound units (and even exhausts with smoke?) Too much? or even more realistic?
Rui Pacheco:
Electronics is my "Achilles heel". I'm not good at electronics at all; I just choose the most common LED bulbs and know how to solder the "positive and negative" and make the most basic connections or according to what comes in the assembly guide, if the build comes with electronics and has a connection and assembly guide. For the most complex constructions, I always turn to a good friend who is very experienced in electronics and constructions, Marco Pinho de https://www.facebook.com/RcStoreAlgarve/.
However, this new offering of Boom Racing's KUDU lighting system fills a gap that existed in the world of scale construction kits, offered so far only by more elite and much more expensive brands. It stimulates and creates the desire of beginner builders also to be able to put more functional systems in their creations. I think I'll lose my "fear," and in the next build, I'll venture out and use the KUDU kit (hahahaha).
What are your top three LED Fitting tips? How do you get the right intensity and brightness? Where do you place the controller, and how do you route the wiring?
Rui Pacheco:
As I mentioned in the previous question, I am a very "basic" builder in the electronic theme, so I limit myself only to choosing the LED lighting according to its color (I prefer the "aged" color, as it is more realistic) and size. I only use light controllers or winches on the market; I don't risk more than that.
I attach great importance to storing all wires and electronic components, especially the waterproofing of the controllers and the main receiver. I think Boom Racing's next step should be to tackle the waterproofing of electrical and electronic components.
And finally...the last words are (as ever) yours. What would you say to a newcomer to the hobby or a lapsed RC fan from, say, the 90s who wants back in but has never considered Scale as an option before?
Rui Pacheco:
This is the hardest... hahaha. My first piece of advice to a newbie is, "Are you ready to get hooked?" Are you really? You're going to lose a few days and nights of sleep, you're going to lose some sort of social life, but you're going to gain a lot of other social lives that are fantastic!! So don't say I didn't warn you!!
For an "older" guy (hahaha) like me, from the 70s and already 50s, and who has been away from the RC world or who has embarked on other subjects such as RC speed, model airplanes, RC bashing, etc., I advise you to try the world of scale realism, the world of building very detailed kits, which give immense pleasure in their construction and also in their driving in the field, just like the real ones. The scales are "a fascinating and addictive RC world".
Thank you very much Boom Racing, thank you very much for being able to make many of the dreams of RC Scale lovers come true with your fabulous products.
Many thanks to the entire fabulous team of people who make up Boom Racing. The brand's success is the result of its strength and commitment as a team. A huge thank you to all of you.
Special thanks to Jason Tsang and Joel Berones. You truly excel at what you do.
ByBeth Liang
Tags :Boom Racing, BRX01, BRX02, Crawler, Builder of the month