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Single Or Dual Motor Set-up?

Why settle for a 3 litre 6 cylinder petrol motor if you can easily fit a direct injected 5 litre 8 cylinder diesel motor with turbo and intercooler. Just imagine the sheer power! The torque is immense!

Well, I asked myself the exact same question when I started building my Axial SCX10. The nicest thing is that it is a really simple conversion. Sure, you need to buy an extra motor (both the same) and an ESC that can handle 2 motors. ATees is your friend here as they sell the Hobbywing WP-860, which is made specifically for 2 brushed motors. It is waterproof, has a 100% dragbrake, can handle 3S LiPo and uses “jumpers” to change the settings. You also need to get a dual motorplate and 2 identical pinions. So both 16T for example, but that’s about it.

Keep in mind that the amount of torque is going to be huge. On my SCX, every time I hit the throttle, my SCX tilts to the left, so I had to counterbalance it on the right. Also keep in mind that your spur gear will take a severe beating, so a metal spur upgrade might be a good idea. The same goes for the (middle) plastic gear in your transmission. Last but not least are your driveshafts. The life of your stock plastic driveshafts will last shorter than with a single motor. So upgrading to metal driveshafts might be very wise as well. Boom Racing and ATees has you covered here. Metal spur and pineapple gears and Heavy Duty Voodoo Driveshafts, they have it all.

So what are the advantages of a Dual motor setup and what are the disadvantages?


  • Some extra weight on your rig.
  • The torque is immense!
  • By upgrading the driveline you get a more “bulletproof” car.
  • Perfect solution when you are running a heavy rig.

  • Cons:
  • Due to the construction of the dual motors, your center of gravity is lifted, not lowered.
  • Your car wil tilt to the left when on throttle.
  • If you are running through muddy water, you may destroy 2 motors instead of just one.
  • You might have to reposition your body in the highest position.

  • Let's see what you can come up with! What do you guys think of a dual motor setup? Yay or nay? Let us know below!


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