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Build. Fly. Crash. Repeat. Emax Quadcopters Are Here


If you guys need any multirotor parts, Emax should be your first target. Armed with a ton of different multirotor motors, ESCs, and frames for different sized multicopters, Emax is an innovative and progressive RC brand that has a ton of new products that will keep you up-to-date with the latest multirotor trends. Some of the latest items available is their NANO series ESC, which boasts tiny sizes for their ESC units, and their newest Emax Nighthawk 250 quad that has an integrated PDB that features the PDB unit and a flight controller. They have a TON of items for mini 250-sized quadcopters, but they don't shy away from the bigger series of multirotors. We actually tested their 300 sized Transformer Quadcopter extensively as well, and it flew beautifully!

If you're looking for some new multirotor products to put you above the competition, check out Emax! Click on the Shop Now button below to find the products they offer.


ByChristopher Chu

Tags :Emax, Multirotor, multicopter, quadcopter


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